How to with Arthur: What is a good Bot description?

BOTS by RevenYOU
4 min readDec 6, 2021


BOTS wants to make sure that everyone in the world has the opportunity to build a second, passive income through investing. To do so, we need the help of our bot creators. But what can you expect from us, what do we expect from you, and how do things work? Let’s tell you all there is to know.

Let’s take a look at the bot description. How do you write it, where do you get your inspiration, and how do you choose the perfect name? Let’s dive in.

How to choose the right name for your bot

If you open the bots overview in the BOTS app: what’s the first thing you see? Precisely, the name. The name of your bot is the first point of contact for your future customer. It’s the thing that makes your bot stand out. You can imagine how important it is to choose the right name!

A few tips? Make sure that it’s interesting, doesn’t sound shady and is easy to remember! One of the oldest bots on the platform, which also happens to have the most subscribers, is the Big Friendly Bot. I assume you can guess why that name sounds attractive to many people, right?

Writing the right bot description.

The second thing your future customers will see is the bot description. After the name, it’s an essential description for the BOTS app users. It will tell them a little something about the bot and help them in their decision-making process. Even though you give some insight into how the bot works, the general idea is that anyone that reads it can understand it.

Besides the ‘normal’ bot description, you’ll also have a ‘Description for Techies’, which gives you all the freedom to get the tech part on paper. Go wild! Include your Sharpe ratio’s, tell a little something about the ratios you’re using — share whatever your heart desires to.

The Onboarding Guide

But it doesn’t end here: we’ve lots and lots of information included in our Onboarding Guide. You can find the Onboarding Guide at, and it tells you all about picking a suitable description for your bot, your team, tips and tricks, and so on.

Have you read through the Guide? Great! You’re ready to upload all the information in the Bot Information Google Docs form. Are you blanking out? No worries: we’ve added a short description and example for your reference.

Easy does it!

Join the BOTS community

Now, do you have any questions about the bots in the BOTS app? Please reach out to our support team. You can contact them right here. Or, if you’d like a quick fix, you can check the FAQ on our website, our YouTube channel or join other BOTS users at the BOTS Discord channel!

Are you an ambitious bot creator, and would you like to know how to get things started? Check our bot creator page!

About BOTS

BOTS is a tech company that has developed an app that makes it possible for anyone to start investing. You only need €50 to get started. BOTS uses automated trading strategies based on algorithms. We call these algorithms bots. These bots are tiny superheroes: they make automated investing accessible to everyone. With their help, you can invest in cryptocurrency within minutes — without any knowledge! And we’ll do you one better… In 2021, you’ll also be able to invest in stocks and other currencies through the BOTS app.

The app is free to download and quick and easy to install. BOTS currently operates in more than 15 countries, and by the end of the year, BOTS wants to be active in at least 60 countries and four continents.

Need any help with anything?

Even though automated investing is incredibly easy, you might need some time to find your way around the app and discover all the options. So if you still have questions wandering around your mind, or you just can’t seem to figure it out, please do not hesitate to contact the BOTS support department.

Don’t feel like calling our support team? Just head to the BOTS YouTube channel and browse through the dozens of instructional videos that may help you further. You are also royally invited to the BOTS Discord channel.

Ready to get started?

Download the BOTS app on your mobile phone today! For Android, click here. For Apple, click here.

There is no such thing as risk-free trading. It is possible to lose (part of) your stake.

